Episode 28

A New Adventure - What’s Next For The Podcast…

I’m making some changes to Adventure On Deck.

Over the past year, this podcast has been a space to share stories of adventure, discovery, and our life aboard Abide. And I thank you so much for being a part of this with me. But as all great stories must, this chapter has come to a natural close, now that we’ve told the refit story.

During our adventures, I’ve discovered how much I love how stories pop up in our own lives and how we can get to know the world as a progression of stories

I’ve also discovered how much I love podcasting and connecting with you!

That’s why, although this story has come to a close, the podcast will live on, but it’s time to steer the course into something new.

In this episode, I talk about what’s coming next in this new chapter.


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Apple Podcasts - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/adventure-on-deck/id1749793321

Captivate - https://adventure-on-deck.captivate.fm

About the Podcast

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Crack The Book
Join me as we explore some of the most influential books in the world, to find out what we can learn for our 21st century lives.

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About your host

Profile picture for Cheryl Drury

Cheryl Drury

Cheryl stayed home with her four children for many years, where she found her engineering and actuarial science degrees to be surprisingly useful. Together with her husband they also ran a horse boarding barn for several years. As new empty nesters, they sold the farm, moved to Charleston, SC, and bought Abide, a 136' sailboat, with the goal of sailing to as many places around the world as possible.