Episode 27

5 Lessons From The Odyssey For Modern-Day Adventurers

Have you ever read a book that feels like it was written for the exact moment you’re living?

That’s how I felt when I read Homer’s Odyssey during our last trip to St. Thomas this year. The story of the epic, 20-year journey home has stuck with me, and I couldn’t help but see the parallels to our adventures aboard Abide.

That’s why in this episode, I’m sharing 5 of these parallels that we’ve learnt from. If you haven’t read The Odyssey - don’t worry, I’ll give you some context. And either way, if you’re planning an adventure of your own, there’s something to learn here.

We may not have ended up getting on Poseidon’s bad side - but there have definitely been some unexpected challenges!

In this episode, I share:

  • 5 ways our adventure mirrors Homer’s Odyssey.
  • How the realities of our trip differed from our expectations.
  • The sirens (or distractions) we’ve had to resist along the way.
  • Why “home” looks so different after spending time at sea.
  • Lessons that you can bring to your own adventures.

If you enjoyed this episode, don’t forget to subscribe on your favourite podcast platform so you don’t miss the next one.


For more about Abide - https://svabide.com/


Abide on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/sail_abide

Cheryl Drury on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/cheryldruryphotographer/


Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/5GpySInw1e8IqNQvXow7Lv?si=9ebd5508daa245bd

Apple Podcasts - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/adventure-on-deck/id1749793321

Captivate - https://adventure-on-deck.captivate.fm

About the Podcast

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Crack The Book
Join me as we explore some of the most influential books in the world, to find out what we can learn for our 21st century lives.

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About your host

Profile picture for Cheryl Drury

Cheryl Drury

Cheryl stayed home with her four children for many years, where she found her engineering and actuarial science degrees to be surprisingly useful. Together with her husband they also ran a horse boarding barn for several years. As new empty nesters, they sold the farm, moved to Charleston, SC, and bought Abide, a 136' sailboat, with the goal of sailing to as many places around the world as possible.