Episode 9

Decking The Hull: Refitting Abide Over a Cold Maine Winter

It was a cold December night back in 2022. 

Abide was tucked up in the warmth of her shed at Front Street Shipyard. 

Roland was slowly killing his Christmas tree… 

In this episode we jump back into the refit story, picking up where we left off in the winter of ‘22. Our 136-foot sailboat, Abide, was undergoing an intensive refit.

Our captain, Roland, joins me again to share stories from that winter in Maine and give us a closer look into the extensive refit challenge.

Highlights from this episode:

- What happened next in the refit story.

- The crazy level of attention to detail that had to go into repainting Abide.

- How to sail if you get seasick.

- Abide’s 2000-lb dinghy and how we got it on the boat (and why sailboats need one).

- The story of Roland’s Christmas as a South African in America.

If you enjoy this episode, subscribe on your podcast app of choice so you don’t miss the next part of the story.


For more about Abide - https://svabide.com/


Abide on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/sail_abide

Cheryl Drury on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/cheryldruryphotographer/


Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/5GpySInw1e8IqNQvXow7Lv?si=9ebd5508daa245bd

Apple Podcasts - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/adventure-on-deck/id1749793321

Captivate - https://adventure-on-deck.captivate.fm

About the Podcast

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About your host

Profile picture for Cheryl Drury

Cheryl Drury

Cheryl stayed home with her four children for many years, where she found her engineering and actuarial science degrees to be surprisingly useful. Together with her husband they also ran a horse boarding barn for several years. As new empty nesters, they sold the farm, moved to Charleston, SC, and bought Abide, a 136' sailboat, with the goal of sailing to as many places around the world as possible.